Thursday, March 25, 2010

I'm Officially a Learner

I'm taking a couple of days off this week help my daughters finish their moves. Since their need for was variable throughout the day, I took the time to go to the DMV and apply for the Motorcycle Learner's permit. I easily passed the test and got the permit, and on the way home from the DMV office, I stopped by the Vespa store to discuss more about the MP3 with Kara, the lady who has been working with me since I first dropped in to look at the ride. Kara easily convinced me to take a test ride since it was a nice day, and even though I've not ridden a bike in many years, the controls on the MP3 made it a breeze.

I rode dirt bikes occasionally as a kid, and though I was proficient at shifting and braking with those bikes, the MP3 is an entirely different animal. For one thing, the CVT transmission means shifting is a thing of the past. The scooter moved easily and effortlessly through the gears with no discernible shifts as I increased speed. There's no rear brake, and obviously no clutch, so braking is done with both hands. The right hand controls the front brake and the left hand controls the rear break.

The scooter is quiet as well.  The two front wheels are great for stopping - no issues there, and riding it was exhilarating,  even though I did only a couple of short loops through the neighborhood adjacent to the shop. As I pulled back into the parking lot at the Vespa store, I decided to try engaging the hydraulic locks for the front wheels which keep the bike in an upright position without the need for the kickstand, and it worked like a charm. Overall, I'm very, very impressed.

It's getting to be crunch time now. I'll need to make a decision shortly about whether to proceed with the purchase or not. Each time I've dropped by the shop, I've expected to see the bike sold as they are very popular items right now - Piaggio has gotten lots of good press on them due to the design and the safety features.  I have much to think about.

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